Teachers and Staff Members

As you already know, the mass exodus of teachers after the Pandemic has left the education industry facing a crippling shortage of teachers. Also, we are seeing a significant reduction in college students majoring in Education to become our future teachers; the new teacher pipeline is drying up. All across America, high school grads with no formal training are filing teacher jobs as long term substitutes. How did we reach this point of acute crisis?

Recent studies and surveys of former teachers who have left the education industry reveal that the vast majority changed careers due to issues with student behavior. These former teachers also report that a majority of the problems come from a small number of students, however, that number is continuously growing. So, what do we do?

An overwhelming majority of former teachers say that our classroom teachers today are demoralized and the only solution to saving our educational process is to once again empower our teachers with the level of authority that is required to control and command their classrooms. This power must include the ability to remove problem students from the classrooms if necessary and have them reassigned to an alternative setting like taking online classes from home.

There is one lesson we have learned all to well; we can no longer sacrifice the educations of the masses of well-behaved students who want to learn and become educated to pacify the small number of students who have no desire to behave or learn. That philosophy has helped bring us to the edge of the educational cliff where we stand today.

Judging by the damages that courts are awarding to victims or their families who have endured harm as a result of negligence or failure on the part of administrators, it is apparent that our courts are now demanding that our schools significantly improve student discipline and end the bullying epidemic (bullying of both teachers and students) that is the nucleus of many of our problems in our schools. The trend of the courts show that damage awards increase significantly after a student has been reported 2 times or more for bullying or other discipline issues.

The Bully Periscope has been developed to give teachers the power to shut down any student that is abusing their teacher, another student or the educational process in the classroom without the teacher having to reveal themselves or their identity to anyone. Teachers, students and parents all report through this system with complete anonymity, all identities are 100% protected. This anonymity is very important in schools where administrators have failed to control unruly students and now have a very severe discipline problem. In these situations some administrators do not see the value of this system to students and the overall school; they only see that this system is not personally beneficial to them, in fact, they see this system only as a means for exposing their failures.

Teachers in these environments can take identity protection to the highest level by having multiple usernames in The Bully Periscope System; teachers can have as many accounts as they desire. What is so VERY important is that you report bullying or class disruptions when you are aware of it, feel free to use as many usernames for reporting as you comfortable with.

If you are already aware of ongoing bullying situations, it is very important that you file a NOTICE OF HARASSMENT on every bully involved in these repeat bullying situations so their behavior can be immediately addressed.

Here is why it is so important for teachers and staff members to lead parents and students in filing bully reports on all incidents that they see or become aware of. Over the last 2 decades there have been millions and millions of students who have reported bullying with nothing being done to stop the abuse, in many cases the abuse got worse (snitches get stitches). We are now at a point where most students refuse to report bullying and until some time passes and the students see that this Bully Periscope System (1) is very real, (2) they can trust it, and (3) it stops the abuse, some students will continue to refuse to report anything. Teachers and staff members are going to have to be the voices for both themselves and these victims and do the reporting for them. In a short time students will join in, but until then its on the teachers and staff members at the school to set the example for them.

In the event that the principal requests a Verification Video from you, do the following:

Have a trusted friend or relative, preferably from another area, to upload a Verification Video for you under your username. Give them your login information and have them login to your account, click on your PROFILE and upload a selfie video reading the statement provided here.

I am an adult, 21 years of age or older.

I personally know the individual behind The Bully Periscope username ___________

They are either a student, a teacher or a staff member at your school.

They are filing, what I believe to be, an honest bully incident report on an incident at your school.

Thank you.

After reading and understanding this section we strongly recommend that teachers click on the SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS tab and review the instructions that are provided there for administrators. Teachers should also review the Q&A section at the top of the HOME page to receive important information about this system.